Growth Hacking Content Can Transform Your Business Potential to Reality

growth hacking content strategy

By growth hackers, I do not mean a wizard computer coder who can gain unauthorized access to a system and get all its private data without permission. This phrase, coined by Sean Ellis in 2010, refers to the new age marketers, who are pushing boundaries of marketing with technical and data intelligence along with cost and time effectiveness. As more and more businesses are exploring internet based marketing best practices and tools, the importance of growth hackers in your company is becoming all the more important.
Gone are the days when coders only built an application, designers only designed, marketers pushed products and writers only wrote. New age professionals need to be growth hackers in their respective domain, that is each and every professional need to contribute towards enhancing the end-user experience to induce purchase and boost revenue growth of the company.
Today, the fundamental pillar of growth hacking in digital marketing is content. As Lee Odden rightly observes, “Content is the reason why search began in the first place,” time has come for businesses to consider content marketers as their key growth hackers who can drive reach, visibility, and conversions for them.
Writing content is no longer only a matter of creativity and imagination; it needs to be scalable and triggering search engine visibility and customer action. Let us explore a few growth hacking content marketing techniques in this blog and how that can work for your business:

Guest Post Blogging

Getting quality backlinks is not easy these days. Creating high-quality content still matters because customers want content and read them before they invest their trust in you. However, requesting companies to get a link back is no longer that simple. One trick is to identify websites that are related to your product and request them to publish your article. If your content has quality, guest blog posting can be a great way to earn the lucrative inbound links to your website.

Promoting Your Personal Brand

Personal branding can be a great growth hacking technique for your company. Many entrepreneurs are strengthening their personal brand as influencers and thought-leaders to attract eyeballs and get a loyal following. Entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, Ellon Musk, Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Neil Patel to name a few among many have capitalized their personal brands to create a brandless marketing buzz about their services and products. The same audience multiplies your reach and visibility making your content viral within and beyond your market segment as well.

Nurture Your Audience with Email Content

A growth hacking content marketer knows the importance of a substantial email list and how to constantly feed them with relevant content. Email is still considered to be one of the most potent ways of lead generation and has been found 40% more effective than other social media channels.

Become a Growth Hacking Content Marketer

Data intelligence is the game changer for growth hacking digital marketing results. Futuristic content marketers need an exceptional understanding of data and its interpretation to formulate content strategies with competitive-edge. The focus on analytics can help you draft content that can double your conversions with data-driven tactics.
As growth hacking content marketer you need to be curious and obsessively growth focused. Dare to try new ideas to add a dash of uniqueness to your content and then distribute it in the right channels to get the desired attention. You will be surprised at how easily you can help a business take off to its growth hacking success point.

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